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What is DNS, Functions, and Propagation for Use - DNS is a system that converts website URLs into IP Address forms. Without DNS, you have to type the complete IP address when you want to visit individual websites on the internet. You who are curious as to what is complete about this information do not move. Because in this article, we will discuss everything.
Definition of DNS
What is a DNS server? As already mentioned earlier, the Domain Name Server, or what is commonly known as DNS, is a system that connects Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and IP Address. Usually, for internet access or certain websites, users must type the address of the intended site. If not, he cannot enter the desired website.Because this means you need a complete list of addresses from the website, you want to visit and enter it by typing it manually. DNS itself is a unique system that streamlines our work. Now you have to remember the name and enter it in the address bar to visit a website.
DNS is the domain translator and connects to the IP address that is understood by the computer. For example, you want access to Google. You don't need to access via 172,217.0.142 in the address bar. But only need to enter the address google.com. Of course, this greatly facilitates your work.
DNS function
What is DNS management? This is a unique feature that serves to provide convenience in managing and also managing the DNS records needed. By using the DNS record, users can direct the DNS server from the domain directly. This makes you who already have a separate domain and hosting need not worry.
You can direct the DNS you have earlier through the client area and also the DNS settings in the hosting. At least there are several types of DNS records that you must know before using them. A AAA, CNAME, MX records, TXT records, SRV records, NS records are among the most widely used types of records.
After knowing what DNS is, you also need to understand how vital this DNS is. The DNS server is a part of the database server that stores all IP addresses that are used to add a hostname to a particular website. So when you type Google.com, this DNS Server will directly translate to IP address and connect you to Google that you want to access.
Finally, you can display Google search as needed. To carry out its work, DNS itself requires a client program called a resolver to connect the server computer to the DNS server. The resolver program is a web browser and also a mail client. So to use a DNS server, you must install a browser program that is a mail client.
Here's how the DNS server works:
- DNS resolver will address hosts that are in the HOSTS file. If the host address has been searched and found and given, the process is complete.
- DNS resolver looks for cached data that the resolver makes for storing the results of previous requests. If it turns out there is, the data will be stored in the cache data, and then the results are given.
- DNS resolver looks for the address of the first DNS server the user has specified
- The DNS server assigns to search the domain and cache
- If the domain that the DNS server looks for does not exist, the search is performed by looking at the zones file contained on the server
- If it turns out that the data is still not found again, the search is done by calling another DNS server that is related to the server that was intended earlier.
DNS Propagation
What is DNS Propagation? In the DNS system, there is something called DNS propagation. Many cases are found when placing a domain order and cannot access the domain when the service is active. This is what is meant by DNS propagation itself. DNS propagation is the time to connect to a domain so that it can connect via a server.
How long is the DNS propagation period? For the time itself, it is diverse and varied because it is determined by the domain used. Generally, the usual time lasts up to 24 hours. If the domain has passed this propagation period, the domain can be used and can be accessed as desired.
Many factors determine DNS propagation, including:
- The age of domain names, domains that are still new generally needs time for DNS propagation.
- Internet server provider, this time DNS propagation is also influenced by the ISP the user is using. IPS adjusts to the new DNS to activate this condition.
- Registrar: the place to register a domain also affects the speed of DNS propagation you have. Domains with international names or TLDs generally have a fast response when registering a local or ccTLD domain.
Propagation of DNS servers does take time, but you can use tips and tricks to speed things up. There are many ways to speed up the DNS propagation process. The following methods can be used:
- Perform a refresh first on the browser used. You can refresh this by pressing CTRL + F5 or Command + R (for Macbook users). You can do it simultaneously and do it continuously.
- Perform cache steps on the browser. This can be adjusted to the browser used. Google Chrome users, click and select More Tools and then click Clear Browsing Data. While Mozilla Firefox users, you can choose the Tools menu and then Clear Private Data. Give a check in the Cache options and click the clear private data Now button.
- Disconnect the internet connection for a while. This was done to speed up the ISP process itself.
- Try to access other websites that have the same IP address as the website you have
There are many ways to check the DNS propagation period. You can take advantage of the various services that you have provided. An example of the service in question is ViewDNS.Info. The service inside can check the status of DNS propagation spread across 20 countries. Besides, this service also has other free services such as IP location Finder, Traceroute Firewall Test, and so on.
Also, there are Dnschecker.org, Synthetic Monitor App, Ceipam.eu, Whatsmydns.net, and many others. Decide which one you want to use. Each of the existing services has different advantages and disadvantages. So use the best information possible to determine the best place to check the period of DNS propagation.