Bandwidth Definition with Functions and How It Works

Bandwidth Definition with Functions and How It Works

Bandwidth Definition with Functions and How It Works - In general, bandwidth can be identified as the maximum amount of transfer that can be done one time for data exchange. Bandwidth itself is often used to discuss information about virtual private servers. In this article, we will discuss complete information about bandwidth so that those of you who want to use it are not too confused.

What Is Bandwidth?

What does bandwidth look like? Bandwidth is usually used to show the maximum data packet traffic on an ethernet cable. Another understanding of bandwidth is the amount of data transfer consumption, which is usually calculated in terms of units of time or bits per second.

That is, bandwidth is the maximum communication path for the process of sending and receiving data in a matter of seconds. There is also analog bandwidth that shows between low and high frequencies that are measured using Hertz units for data or information that can be transmitted at a certain time.

Bandwidth is an important thing that cannot be separated by an ethernet cable. This bandwidth is often used as the width of the highway. Data that goes into bandwidth is known as a vehicle that crosses the highway earlier. That is, the less data that comes in, the faster the speed.

Conversely, if there are more and more vehicles crossing the highway, a traffic jam will occur. In addition, the greater the highway (bandwidth) used, the more vehicles (data) that can enter and pass through it. So do not be surprised if this bandwidth is an important consideration for internet network users.

Example of Bandwidth Hosting

After learning what bandwidth definition, you should know the bandwidth example so you can understand more. There are many examples of bandwidth that are often found on hosting. Before that, you have to know what bandwidth hosting is first. This bandwidth is usually used to adjust the volume of data transferred each time unit.

Bandwidth hosting selection is also very diverse and can be adjusted according to your needs. If you buy bandwidth that has great speed, then uploaded websites will also be faster. Maybe you often hear that bandwidth is not a limit that is often offered by cheap web hosting.

In actuality, large bandwidth uses up much of a server’s resources,  such as memory and hard drives. After all, if there is a company that provides bandwidth, it is likely that the bankruptcy will also be quite high. If the customer uses excessive bandwidth, the party gets a penalty in the form of closure without any compensation at all from the company.

So how much bandwidth is needed for web hosting each month? The size of the bandwidth needed is tailored to each individual. If you do live streaming or have large media files, 10 GB is the best choice.

An example of bandwidth hosting is that there are popular blogs with as many as 1,000 visitors per day and page sizes of 100kb . From here, the blog owner only needs to use 8.5 GB each month. If you buy a 50 GB plan, it seems to be less effective. Instead, 5 GB can be a good option for medium and small businesses.

Bandwidth Function

If divided further, there are many bandwidth functions that need attention. All of these functions are related to the internet network. So, what are the functions?

1. Media size for sending data

The first bandwidth function is for the size of the media or the data transmission path of the computer or network that is inside. This function applies to all places that have a computer network. Bandwidth is useful when discussing the issue of network distribution because its size is often used.

The size of the bandwidth itself is used to benchmark providers and provide services that connect internet connections. The greater the amount of available bandwidth, of course, the better the service and the smoother the internet connection are.

2. Divide the data transfer speed

Another function of bandwidth is to divide the speed of data transfer in a network. That way, the speed can be distributed fairly to all users. The division is so that no user feels disadvantaged when fighting over bandwidth.

Usually, if not shared, all available bandwidth is allocated to a particular network. Simply put, the network is used for one person only, and the others do not get it.

3. Set the amount of data that has been transferred

Network administrators sometimes restrict data that can be accessed or downloaded over the internet. It is not without cause because its main purpose is to reduce high traffic for a long time. Long-term high traffic makes network stability disrupted because it affects the bandwidth capacity itself.

Here you can check bandwidth hosting according to each individual'’s wishes. To do this checking, you can use many services. The most popular example is using Linux VPS directly from the command text with the vnstat application. The application is not yet available when installing the operating system.

This is what makes you have to install it first using the command line that has been provided. VPS access itself uses SSH, which uses the username and password that have been provided. After you’ve done that, it’s easy to use because you just type the vnstat command into the command text.

The result will be special data that shows how much bandwidth you have hosting. The terms have the following meanings:

RX is an incoming or downloaded bandwidth transfer
TX is an outgoing or uploaded bandwidth transfer.
The estimate is an estimate of bandwidth consumption, which is calculated per month.

In addition to understanding bandwidth, functions and checking, there are many terms that you should recognize. The following terms were referred to earlier:

Egress bandwidth is an attribute used to determine upload speed.
Bandwidth management is a general term that indicates a set of tools and techniques that can be          used for institutions when reducing the critical needs of network segments.
Unmetered bandwidth is the amount of traffic and data transfer for account access or the site                that you have.

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